Monopoly Cash Decoder Board Game
Monopoly Cash Decoder Board Game
Monopoly Cash Decoder Board Game
Monopoly Cash Decoder Board Game
Monopoly Cash Decoder Board Game

Monopoly Cash Decoder Board Game

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Contents: A gameboard, plastic decoder, 6 tokens, 22 Title Deed cards, 24 Chance cards, 14 Community Chest cards, 12 cardboard decoder chips, 12 hotels, 2 dice, money pack and game guide
The Monopoly Crooked Cash game features classic Monopoly gameplay with a twist
When a player pays for something, opponents can use the decoder to see if they used fake cash
It'll reveal hidden patterns to determine if it's real
If it's fake, you get to keep the cash
Watch out…Chance cards might be fake too
Instead of having taxes, utilities, or buying railroads, players can hop on a train and quickly go to an unowned property
Gather friends and family together for this fun, fast twist on Monopoly gameplay
For 2-6 players


In the Monopoly Cash Decoder game things aren't always as they seem. Someone added fake cash and fake Chance cards! Luckily, Mr. Monopoly is giving players his decoder so they can find the fakes and still make a fortune.

It's an exciting game of hidden reveals, and players get to challenge their opponents for using fakes with accusation coins. But use them wisely! You only get a few coins to play. Includes Monopoly tokens that play up the deceptive theme. The player with the most money at the end - real or fake - wins. This family board game is a fun game to play.